Letters to the editor: Oct. 2, 2019

U.S. should take leadership role in Global Fund

The  next presidential campaign is closing in on us, and now the American people are looking for a strong leader yet again. A leader that will lead our country well and also represent us confidently on the global stage. 

Tuberculosis (TB) is the current leading infectious disease killer in the world. Sixty percent of the 10 million cases are successfully diagnosed and treated, but shortfalls in funding and wavering political commitment has threatened this hard work.

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria has a clear plan to prevent 234 million cases of these deadly diseases. Since 2002, it has saved 32 million lives by providing access to new, life-saving drugs to the people who need them the most.


The Global Fund requires $14 billion to save an additional 16 million lives by 2022. This will put us on a steady path to ending HIV/AIDS and stopping the spread of TB.

In the past, the United States has been a global leader for the Global Fund and funded a third of the amount needed for each replenishment. Now, President Trump has an opportunity to show us his leadership by committing a strong pledge at the Oct. 10 Global Fund replenishment  conference in Lyon, France. 

Summer Levin, Town & Country

‘Apples and Honey’ 

Once I dreamed of apples and honey. 

But no longer. 

It was the last week of summer vacation. 

I was with my father and brother.

We were going to a natural spring surrounded by orchards and the fragrance of olive groves.

I didn’t get to swim that day. 

I will swim no more. 

Once I dreamed of apples and honey. 

But no longer. 

I don’t understand why people want to blame us. 

We were not there to harm anyone.

What happened wasn’t “pro Israel, pro peace.”

What happened wasn’t “resisting the tyrants.”

It was just me, a girl just turned 17, with my father Rabbi Eitan and my brother, Dvir. 

Once I dreamed of apples and honey. 

But no longer.  

For you see, I was killed by a terrorist’s explosive device. 

I am, no more. 

My name was Rina Shnerb. 

I dream no longer.

Bruce Weingart, St. Louis