Letters to the editor: Oct. 10, 2018
Published October 11, 2018
Remembering Israelis killed
Sunday morning, just like every working day, Kim Levengrond Yehezkel said goodbye to her 16-month-old son Kai and her husband, Guy, and left her home to go to work in the Barkan Industrial Park in Ariel in Shomron (Judea & Samara), Israel. Ziv Hajbi, who just celebrated his 35th birthday and is a father of three, said goodbye to his children and his wife, Natalie, and left his home to go to work at the industrial park. Barkan employs 8,000 people, about half of them are Israeli and the other half Palestinians.
A fellow employee, a Palestinian electrician, tied up Ziv and Kim and shot them execution style. While fleeing, he shot another employee who is in the hospital.
The morning before the attack, Kim posted on Facebook how much she loved her son while the terrorist posted on his Facebook page that he was waiting for Allah. Following the news of this attack sweeping the nation, Israelis cried, mourned and prayed. Hundreds attended each of the funerals. In Gaza, hundreds were handing out candy and singing and dancing in celebration. The family of the terrorist will soon accept payment for the murder of Jewish lives [the Palestinian Authority provides funds to Palestinians who murder Israelis or the family members of terrorists].
May Kim and Ziv’s memory be a blessing.
Am Yisroel Chai.
Traci Goldstein, Creve Coeur, Co-President of St. Louis Friends of Israel
A service available for veterans
I am a member of the St. Louis Patriot Guard Riders, and I recently asked a ride captain why we never stand a flag line and escort any Jewish veterans or first responders to their final resting place. He didn’t know, so I’m asking the Jewish community to spread the word. Although the majority of escorts are to Jefferson Barracks, not all are. There is no charge for our services.
Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
• Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
• Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protester or group of protesters (through strictly legal and non-violent means).
Here is the link to request the PGR: https://www.patriotguard.org/request-the-pgr.
Margee Kabak, Manchester