Letters to the editor: June 4, 2014

Abbas’  hypocrisy

[Regarding the April 30 editorial, “PA System Failure”]  

The fact that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called the Holocaust “the most heinous crime” of modern history was the height of hypocrisy.

This is the same person who has reconciled with Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization that controls Gaza and which has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and death to the Jewish people. Hamas not only does not recognize Israel’s right to exist, but even worse, does not recognize Israel’s existence, period, referring to the Jewish State as “the Zionist entity.” 

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has so aptly stated, Abbas, can’t have it both ways. He can’t condemn the Holocaust, while at the same time embrace an organization that seeks to perpetuate another destruction of the Jewish people.

Abbas must decide one way or another, if, in fact, he’s for peace, in which case he’ll renounce Hamas and work with Israel to create a Palestinian state, co-existing side-by-side in harmony with Israel, and predicated upon mutual trust and respect; or for war, by joining forces with an outlaw organization, which is solely committed to Israel’s destruction.  

Unfortunately, not unlike his predecessor Yasser Arafat, Abbas continues to engage in doublespeak — vociferously condemning and castigating Israel to his Arab allies, while at the same time trying to curry favor with the rest of the world by his mendacious proclamations for a peaceful and negotiated settlement with the Jewish State.  

It is clear to me that Abbas is not a man of honor, and cannot, and should not be trusted. Abbas is a charlatan who is nothing more than “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Gene Carton, Olivette