Letters to the editor: June 28, 2017

Rep. Newman op-ed 

I would like to thank Rep. Stacey Newman so much for her passionate “viewpoint” article (“Governor shouldn’t use prayer, women’s reproductive rights for political gain,” June 14 edition) concerning Gov. Eric Greitens’ confusing, if not hypocritical, behaviors concerning the special session called to repeal a St. Louis reproductive anti-discrimination ordinance. Along with being amazed at his spending state revenue dollars to placate extremists, I also resent this person using the label of “Reform Judaism” when he clearly has no idea of the philosophy underlying that label.

It has always been of concern to me that those people who choose to use the term “pro-life” do not accept that all life is of the utmost importance. Thank you, Rep. Newman, for the work you continue to do on behalf of honest government.

Paula Hertel, St. Louis County


Trump and Kennedy

I agree with much of the Light’s criticism of President Donald Trump. But all of what the Light says about Trump’s craziness is not as bad as what John F. “Jack” Kennedy did in running for the presidency in 1960.  

He and his brother Bobby repeatedly and consistently denied that Jack Kennedy had the terrible illness known as Addison’s disease. One thing everyone agrees about is that the presidency is physically a very stressful and difficult job — and that whoever is president must be healthy. Jack Kennedy was desperately ill and near death with Addison’s disease shortly before running for president — so ill that he had to be carried on a stretcher to the hospital and he was given the last rites of the Catholic Church. His Addison’s disease was confirmed in the autopsy after his assassination in 1963. 

Which is worse: Trump’s stupidities or Kennedy’s fraudulently inducing the public to vote for him as president? 

Harvey J. Schramm, Brentwood

Editor’s note: Addison’s disease is characterized by the withering of the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline and other hormones. Symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, muscle weakness, weight loss, difficulty standing up, nausea, sweating, and changes in mood and personality. Kennedy’s Addison’s disease came to light only after his election in 1960.