Letters to the Editor: June 15, 2016

Double standard when it comes to Israel

As Shabbos drew near, my heart was heavy not only over the loss of four innocent lives in Tel Aviv last week, but also the reactions internationally, nationally and locally. CNN used quotes to label the terrorists responsible and MSNBC blamed Israel’s government. Other agencies and leaders discussed “ongoing violence” as if it was coming from both sides, while others discussed “oppression,” “apartheid,” “settlements,” and “occupation” — all of which are false and misleading, and used to push an agenda. This did not happen when Paris was attacked, or Brussels or Madrid. 

Sunday I woke up to the news of the mass shooting in Orlando, and it became evident that this was an act of terrorism by a Muslim who identified with ISIS. The connection was clear: Orlando and Tel Aviv and ISIS and Hamas. With Orlando, though, there was no discussion on “settlements” or “occupation.” The only discussion was around the shooter and terrorism. If the terrorists are the same, what is the difference? The victims, of course. The victims in Tel Aviv were Jewish and in the eyes of the media and others, those Jewish lives are not equal to the lives lost in Orlando.

The Jewish community must come together and fight this reporting. We must reply to CNN and MSNBC and point out the apparent anti-Semitism in their reports. We must hold Jewish organizations to higher standards and support organizations that are truly Zionists and not only support but also advocate for Israel. As Jews, Israel is central to all of us. Israel is not a Democrat or Republican issue. Israel is not a Reform, Conservative or Orthodox issue. Israel is a Jewish issue.  Israel should unify American Jews, not divide us. It is time we all fight for Israel. It is time we all show our community and the world our love for Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai. 


Mike Minoff

