Letters to the editor: July 23, 2014
Published July 24, 2014
Media critique
Double and triple kudos to Robert Cohn, editor emeritus, for his excellent comments on the remarks by the NBC Network (July 9 commentary, “Biased reporting from Jerusalem on NBC News”).
The biased reporting from Jerusalem, expounding on the death of the Palestinian youth and completely ignoring the murdered Israeli students, shows a lack of fair and honest journalism.
Perhaps the CEO of the network, Stephen Burke, should take time to review some of his staff’s reporting tactics and hence give the public more fair and honest information.
Howard Sandler, University City
Supporting the environment
I am writing to ask readers of the Jewish Light to consider supporting Jill Schupp in the election for state senator in Missouri’s 24th District. As a state representative, Schupp has had a good record of supporting the needs of people in her district and, of great importance to me, supporting environmental issues.
I have grave concern for the future of our children and grandchildren with respect to the environment and man-made global climate change. In our own lives, my wife and I have made significant efforts to reduce our use of fossil fuels, such as getting all of our electricity from the solar panels on our home. Now one of the most important things we can do is to elect individuals who will act to protect our environment.
Bernard Waxman, Olivette