Letters to the editor: July 11, 2018

Film about Holocaust survivor inspires hope

 “Big Sonia” is remarkable, inspiring and a great opportunity to bring about change in our community. 

 We have a unique opportunity to experience the power of optimism and determination and be inspired on Sunday, July 15, at a Jewish Film Festival event at the Jewish Community Center (see ChaiLights calendar on page 18 for full details). What can you do? Come see this film and bring someone with you. You’ve seen it?  Come see it again. 

 The film is a remarkable story about a 92-year-old Holocaust survivor, Sonia Warshawski, who is featured in this award-winning film that will touch your heart and soul deeply. Sonia’s granddaughter, Leah Warshawski, directed this documentary and co-produced it with her husband Todd Soliday.  A hometown touch: Leah is a Clayton High grad and her aunt, Debbie Warshawski, lives here. 


 Why is it relevant today? We are living in a time of uncertainty,  stress and alternative realities to be kind.  Sonia’s story reminds us that the power of love and faith can touch lives in so many places. I’d challenge anyone to watch this film and leave without feeling a sense of hope. It reminds us that we can do something every day to help another. It seems like exactly what we need right now. Soon also, the film will be in theaters like the Chase.

Eric Friedman, University City

Vote ‘No’ on Proposition A

I applaud the action of the National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis in advocating for a “no” vote on Proposition A, the so-called “right to work” initiative, which will appear on the ballot on Aug. 7. 

Proponents of this measure falsely claim that it will prevent employees from being forced to become union members. 

In fact, compulsory union membership has never been permitted. Moreover, when a union becomes the representative of the employees in a workplace through an election or other demonstration of majority support, those who choose to remain or become non-members are only required to pay for the costs associated with the negotiation of the benefits they receive through the union’s representation; they are not compelled to pay for the union’s non-representational activities. 

Nor will Proposition A improve Missouri’s economy; residents of states with “right to work” laws earn an average of $8,740 less per year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Supporters of Proposition A simply seek to weaken the role of labor unions, which have been advocates of social and economic justice for decades, in order to further their own narrow political and financial interests. All those who care about fairness should join with NCJW-STL in voting “no” on Proposition A on Aug. 7.

Greg Campbell, Creve Coeur