Letters to the editor: July 10, 2013

Remembering Bill Kahn

For those of us who worked with and for Bill Kahn, he was not only the consummate professional, but a true mensch in every sense of the word.  No one ever showed more loyalty and respect to his co-workers, and it was my true pleasure to work with him, both as director of Women’s Division and director of endowments. He will be missed by so many!

Nancy Brown, Naples, Fla.

Coverage of LGBT community, issues

I am absolutely devastated that the Light would devote so much outright, useless printing of the gay community situation. What is actually sad is the statement(s) of some rather prominent Jewish personalities here in St. Louis. One comment in a May edition seemed to state that non-gay believers do not accept the truth. How totally preposterous!

The real truth of the matter was described in a Sedra, which was read on Shabbos several weeks ago. It specifically described proper and ethical-moral relationships between the two sexes; the reading is the total truth of the Law from G-d Himself. I cannot fathom in my mind how both Jews and non-Jews completely ignore the fact that homosexuality, in all civilized religions, is unequivocally taboo. The advocates of this heinous movement are beyond real practices of Judaism, in particular.

I realize fully, thank Hashem, that we live in a democracy where we truly do have the freedom of speech, but the Light is totally out of bounds. Your publication so often expounds wrong religious opinionated information.

Howard Sandler, Olivette