Letters to the editor: Jan. 16, 2019

Walls work

For all those Democrats who claim a wall does not work, I suggest they go to Israel, which constructed a wall a number of years ago to keep suicide bombers out of Israel. Since that wall was built, there have been no suicide bombings from terrorists crossing the Israeli border from the West Bank, from where they came. I have been there. I have seen it.   The wall works, folks. It works. Let’s be honest here, if the Democrats thought for a moment that illegals would vote Republican, you would see that wall from space.

Marc Schoenfeld, Chesterfield

Why sensationalize?


Your Dec. 19 news brief regarding no nominations for an Israeli film this year made me stop because the headline was just like all the other media sensationalism that I read on a daily basis..and don’t like. 

The headline read, “Academy Awards turns its back on latest Israeli film.” That rings of many things besides just not selecting an Israeli film this year. Perhaps “not chosen” would be more accurate? I know…small stuff…but I am tired of everything being “Breaking News”! It ain’t. 

Richard Lincoff, St. Louis

Interfaith volunteer day inspires

As a person of the Jewish faith, I can’t begin to describe the joy and elation I feel, knowing that volunteers from the St. Louis Jewish and Muslim communities have come together since 2011 to help relieve Christian volunteers on Christmas Eve.

No doubt, this act of charity — “tzedekah” in Hebrew and “sadaqah” in Arabic — which has become an annual tradition—has strengthened and fortified the bonds of kindness and unity between these two disparate communities in the St. Louis area. 

If such an act of goodwill and collaboration can help dispel prejudice and discrimination locally for one day a year, think how great and wonderful it would be if such trust, cooperation, sharing, and enthusiasm  were to be forged between all Jews and Muslims globally, every day, year-round.  

Most certainly, the world would be a better, safer, place.

I can only hope and pray that someday such a “miracle” will come to pass. If so, it will truly be, without a doubt, a gift from God.

Gene Carton, Olivette