Letters to the Editor: February 25, 2015

Netanyahu’s visit

Both the Light’s Jan. 28 editorial “Cross Talk,” sharply criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming visit, and the Feb. 4 letter from Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman supporting of the editorial, are terribly wrong. Laura Goldmeier’s Feb. 4 letter was perfect, correct, and the only reasonable point of view.  Not many people know that Goldmeier’s late father-in-law was a fighter with the Palmach in pre-Israel Palestine. Therefore, her letter should carry extra significance.

Harvey J. Schramm, Brentwood

Concern over nuclear Iran


The possibility of the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism nearing acquisition of the world’s most lethal weapons technology is profoundly disturbing. It is incumbent upon all those who value world peace to do everything they can to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. 

Concern regarding a nuclear armed Iran is international in scope and not confined to Israel, even as the Iranian leadership’s threats of annihilation have been directed toward the Jewish State. Both the Obama Administration and Congress have recognized that Iran’s nuclear program is a grave threat to U.S. national security. 

The international community responded to this danger by taking a range of diplomatic and economic measures to prevent the emergence of a nuclear Iran. 

There is disagreement regarding the pace of these measures. However, the very serious issues involved in this ongoing effort must be approached without partisan bias or politics.

It is a vital concern of the St. Louis Jewish community, as well as all friends and supporters of our strong ally Israel, that the U.S.-Israel partnership — which our congressional delegation has historically and strongly supported — not become a partisan issue in Washington. 

The timing of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress has raised concerns. Regardless of any decision our Missouri representatives make about attending the Prime Minister’s address, we know that they will continue to support the U.S.-Israel partnership. We encourage our representatives in Congress to continue to examine the issues related to the Iranian threat in a fair and thoughtful way.

Donn Rubin, JCRC Israel Chair; Phyllis Markus, JCRC President; Batya Abramson-Goldstein, JCRC Executive Director