Criticism unfounded

I cannot believe the Jewish Light continues to criticize Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to build settlements (Dec. 5 editorial, “Bank Shots”); nor, can I even try to understand the Light’s criticism of Israel’s holding back some $100 million from the Palestinians, when the electric company of Israel surely and absolutely deserves to be paid for services rendered.


It is absolutely fantastic that “defense” of anything toward the Palestinians, who train their children to hate Israelis from a very early age.  How can such a people be favored for anything?

It is beyond amazing that so many critics, the world over, endeavor to dictate Israel’s doctrine, when so many of the countries doing the criticizing have such inane problems of human life themselves. The entire world should realize and respect that Israel is the only sane, free-thinking, democratic government of the entire region and deserves to govern its own policies, inclusive of developments of their own property.

Assertion and boldness on the part of the Prime Minister is needed now more than ever.

Howard Sandler, Olivette

Hanukkah overlooked

It is that time a year when we are inundated with brick and mortar and virtual store holiday sales. In years past, I felt stores and the population in general were starting to understand that not all consumers celebrate Christmas. Lately, I have seen individuals and stores reverting their advertising from “Happy Holidays” to “Merry Christmas.”  

Some retail stores that carry Christmas decorations and gift wrap have refused to recognize other holidays. Imagine my surprise when I walked into a retail chain store and inquired about Hanukkah decorations and wrap.  

Aisles upon aisles were filled with nativity scenes, red and green holiday lights and other Christmas paraphernalia. Where were the Hanukkah items? The resounding answer from a store clerk: We are not carrying any this year. The store manager said it was the main office’s decision not to carry Hanukkah items.

Have I missed something? Has Hanukkah been cancelled this year? Are consumers practicing other religions not supposed to shop at some stores? I searched and found several Hanukkah type items on their website. I contacted the chain’s main office and the final answer was that those items were not profitable enough to warrant space on their shelves.

Consumers should make their voices heard: If you do not find Hanukkah items being stocked at local stores, let the manager or the national office know that you’re not happy; and for those that do offer a good selection of Hanukkah items, let them know that you appreciate that they have opted to cater to customers of a variety of faiths.

Sherri Tons, Creve Coeur

Jewish-Muslim day of service

Did you know there were 16 attempts in state capitals in the last two years to ban Islamic law? Six passed! Missouri senators stopped a similar effort in our state. We need to again stand with our fellow Muslims on Christmas Day to help those in need. Join us for the Jewish-Muslim Day of Service on Dec. 25. For more information, visit the Jewish Community Relations Council website, www.jcrcstl.org. We must show that in St Louis we abhor religious bigotry.

Rick Isserman, Creve Coeur