Letters to the Editor

Medical atlas’ history

The recent article about a medical atlas’ Holocaust history (Dec. 19, “Squaring an anatomy atlas’ Nazi history with its potential to heal”) brought up the inhumane treatment of humans and bodies and the horrible behavior of the Nazis in supplying the patients and bodies. What would be a greater insult to humanity would be to ignore or worse to hide the knowledge gained with this medical illustration. Wars have always been a source of medical knowledge and practice that could not be done had during any other time. Let us remember, nameless or not, the people who contributed, willingly or not, to its production.

Donald Pearline



Combat Anti-Semitism

Combatting rising anti-Semitism is a necessity. Increase public awareness by educating, informing and promoting the contributions that Jewish people and Israel have made to the world.

Suggestion: Create a Jewish Awareness Month, with programs such as:

• A weekly TV series of Israel’s transformation, innovations and assistance to other nations

• Programs articles spotlighting a famous Jewish scientist, doctor, politician, athlete, author, entertainer, etc.

• Weekly feature articles in major newspapers and news websites

• Mandate Holocaust curricula, including contributions to the world by a Jewish person in every school district throughout the United States.

It would be a financially costly endeavor, but far less costly than loss of lives.

Ileene Morrison

St. Louis