Letter to the Editor: Nov. 2, 2016

Keep asking questions 

It is ironic that Brent Efron (Oct. 26 commentary, “J Street U is keeping me in the Jewish community”) found J Street U to be the experience that allowed him to ask questions, because J Street allows only questions about Israel. The Palestinians due to their “oppression” are never asked about their actions.

For instance, why was the Palestinian Liberation Organization started in 1964, not 1967, when the ” occupation” supposedly started? Furthermore,  why is there no criticism of the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation of Palestinians from 1948 to 1967?

There are even more questions to be answered. Why does the PLO only endorse solutions which end with the de facto destruction of Israel? Why do they continually incite their children to hate and kill Israelis? Why doesn’t the world realize that Israel is not “pink-washing” or “green-washing” their country, it is the Palestinians are “oppression-washing” any Israeli effort to bring peace?

I urge Efron to keep asking questions about J Street, J Street U, and the Middle Eastern situation. J Street has been largely silent about any problems with the Palestinian “narrative.” 

We should all be asking why.

Laura Hulbert Goldmeier, Creve Coeur