Letter to the Editor: May 6, 2015
Published May 6, 2015
Day schools come together for ‘Yachad’
It was wonderful seeing the Yachad program on the cover of the Jewish Light (10 Iyar 5775/April 29, 2015) and to read the coverage of all of the wonderful events commemorating Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut. We do want to clarify that the photo of the daglanut (Israeli flag dance) portrays students from both Epstein Hebrew Academy and Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School who worked together for weeks in preparation for the performance. In addition, students from Yeshivat Kadimah High School also volunteered at the event. A major goal of Torah MiTzion Kollel in organizing Yachad each year is to bring together students from the various day schools to work together to learn about and celebrate Israel. We appreciate the Light’s coverage and thank all of those who volunteered and participated for making this year’s Yachad program the best ever.
Adi Feen, Yachad Coordinator
Sima Oberlander, B’not Sherut Coordinator
Suzanne Sundy, President
Torah MiTzion Kollel