Letter to the editor: Farewell from St. Louis Kollel director
Published May 3, 2018
Farewell from St. Louis Kollel director
Dear fellow members of the St. Louis Jewish community,
Many of you have already heard that my wife, Mindi, and I have decided to accept positions in Toronto. Before we turn the page to the next chapter, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the past 13 incredible years. The St. Louis Jewish community has been wonderful to us and we are going to miss you very much.
We arrived in August of 2005 to join the St. Louis Kollel with a three-year agreement. Little did we know it would blossom into 13 very special years. We are grateful to the board members of Kollel and Torah Prep for the opportunity to serve our community. Our children attended Torah Prep and Esther Miller Bais Yaakov. The teachers were extremely dedicated and gave each one of our children the tools they needed to succeed.
It has truly been a blessing to have had the opportunity to learn, teach and build so many meaningful relationships throughout the community. Over the years, we’ve had the honor to host many of you at our home, and many of you have become part of our extended family.
Please allow us to leave you with a personal message in the hope that you will continue building on our humble achievements. Our sages have taught that Shalom, peace, is not simply an ideal we should strive for, but it is the secret to a life full of blessing. It is so easy to get caught up in what seems to be important, but often it turns out that it is these relatively smaller issues which drag us into discord and drive us apart. Keeping an eye on what unites us, and the ultimate goal of a stronger and more Jewishly (Torah) engaged community will yield exciting results that is sure to propel St. Louis to new heights of growth and Jewish Unity.
May G-d bless all of you with good health, happiness, abundance and success.
Rabbi Shaya Mintz, Executive Director, St. Louis Kollel