Follow-through needed on cemetery desecration investigation
Published May 25, 2017
While extensively covered by both the national and local media, the vandalism crime committed at the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in February of this year has been effectively swept under the rug by the University City Police Department.
The Vice President of the United States along with the Governor of Missouri made a special visit along with thousands of concerned citizens to help clean up the desecration of hundreds of memorial markers at Jewish gravesites in University City.
The act of the criminal(s) was not and would not be labeled a “hate crime” by officials of the University City Police Department. Despite public assurances that police would solve the “hate crime,” as of mid-May no one has been charged.
The national media correctly demands that crimes against other religions are horrid and must be solved. Yet a desecration of our Jewish loved ones tombs goes unanswered and unpunished.
I call for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assume the responsibility to solve these crimes, and the current police administration of the local police be fired due to their ineptitude.
Stuart Katz, Chesterfield