In the World Series of fitness, three strikes doesn’t mean you’re out

By Cathleen Kronemer, NSCA-CPT

OK, St. Louis, there is no denying it: We are a baseball town! As we sat poised on the edge of our couches and armchairs, watching our Cardinals battle it out for the World Series title, many of us may have wondered about the hard work and dedication of the players. One thing is for sure: Even though the referee calls, “You’re OUT” after that 3rd strike crosses the plate, these players know that rule only applies during the game.

Even if you’re not training for the major leagues, there may come a time during your exercise regimen when you feel as if you are striking out. Some days the weights just feel heavier, the sets seem more daunting, and that 55-minute aerobics class seems like it is lasting for 2 hours! On those particular days, it’s easy to perceive yourself as having struck out, and even easier to convince yourself that you should walk away, or take yourself out of the game.

Nothing could be further from the truth! Unlike the World Series, which is an event with a very short timetable (up to seven games — or ideally just 4!), your regular exercise program has a much longer duration. You’re in this for life. As such, some days we’re simply going to be more energetic than others. The amount of sleep we’ve gotten during the past week, stress at work, even our balance of nutrition can have profound effects on our prowess in the gym.

Keeping your eye on the long-term goals you have set for yourself can be the best remedy for short-term burnout. If you are feeling extraordinarily rundown, by all means give yourself permission for a day of rest. Remember that calling a “time out” is a way to re-evaluate and redirect your efforts.

Take a breather, and then return to your game plan refreshed and energized. You will come out a winner every time!

By Cathleen Kronemer, NSCA-CPT, is a longtime fitness trainer at the Jewish Community Center.