Getting to the core of the issue

By Cathleen Kronemer, NSCA-CPT, Certified Health Coach

As a fitness professional and a health coach, I maintain a strong belief in what I have come to think of as the “Triad of Wellness”: an integration of cardio activity, resistance training and clean eating as part of daily life.  Training and educating clients on this mindful practice has yielded amazing transformative results, so I have to believe it really works.

One concern that many of the individuals with whom I work seem to share is the strengthening of the “core,” that vital area of the body that carries a majority of the workload in terms of stability, strength and balance. A common misconception is that the abdominal muscles and the core muscles are one and the same.  By understanding the subtle differences, core-specific training can go a long way toward achieving highly desirable results.

Since the primary function of the core is to provide a solid framework for the extremities, one might choose to think of the abdominal region and the lower back as the body’s stabilizers. As such, a majority of the exercises that strengthen this area should zero in on those which require you to maintain a “stiffness,” as it were. This stabilization, when performed against resistance, will enhance the core’s ability to perform maximally. 

A plank is one of the top choices for strengthening the core, as it requires extreme focus on the middle of the body as the stabilizing point, in addition to shoulder strength. The beauty of this exercise is that it requires no equipment whatsoever, using only one’s body weight. A simple resistance band can be very useful as well, if one is performing a body-weight movement while trying to resist rotation.

A strong core will not only enhance the appearance of one’s physique, but can also dramatically minimize the risk of injury. Lower back pain is the Number One reason that individuals in this country cite for missing days of work. Imagine the benefits of training to have a healthier, more supportive mid-region while functionally working every other body part. It’s a classic win-win opportunity.

I will admit to including the tried-and-true crunches in many of the workouts I design for clients. However, depending upon one’s performance abilities, I also like to include several variations of core strengtheners, such as cable wood chops, medicine ball rotational throws, and even suspension training with a TRX system. Many core exercises masquerade as workouts for other body parts, so be certain to analyze your form in any and every training session.

By integrating core stabilizer exercises with more traditional isolation moves for the abdominals, you can be assured of achieving a strong midsection that will support you in just about any activity in which you engage…including walking with good posture.