Better than expected

Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh received a B.A. from Skidmore College and was ordained as a Rabbi from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. She is fortunate to be involved in so many facets of the community including serving as the chaplain for JF&CS and an instructor for CAJE. This will be her fifth year serving as the visiting Rabbi in Decatur, Ill. She has also served congregations in both Sydney and Perth, Australia. When not writing her weekly BLOGS, she can be found running marathons.

By Rabbi Elizabeth Hersh

It was a better than expected day. I drove to an assisted living facility to share some exciting news. I had found a volunteer to visit a resident. Through their mutual love of literature, they might form their own, private book club.

We were sitting outside when I heard the weeping. I quickly learned that a gentleman whose Jewish connection was lost somewhere along the way was mourning the death of his mother. She had died that morning. His cries were those of real pain, a pain that tore through his heart and ripped his soul.

I walked over to learn that his dear mother eased into eternal rest after a couple of weeks on a heavy sedation of morphine. I learned that he loved his mother more than life itself. He and his sister had been adopted and their mother made them feel that they came into the world just for her. This mother’s unconditional love was the greatest gift of all.

He was not feeling so secure with the words of the Kaddish so I asked him to say AMEN and it would be as if he had said the words. He joined in when he could.

Later that afternoon I went to see a wonderful individual who has the cheeriest attitude. Her salient outlook on life is infectious. I like to visit her at the end of the day when I may otherwise be tired. Rather, she sends me off to finish my evening with the appreciation that life is, indeed, worthy and good.

Each day is different. When people thank me for visiting them, I frequently say, “No, thank YOU!” You cannot possibly understand how much I receive on a daily basis. It was surely a better than expected day.