An urgent appeal to our readers

Published April 2, 2020
During these isolating times, staying connected to friends, family and neighbors is more important than ever.
While you follow orders to stay home, there is no organization that better connects you to the St. Louis Jewish community than your non-profit St. Louis Jewish Light. In addition to providing you with up-to-date, accurate, reliable news, the Light also provides online entertainment as well as information about the people who matter most to you.
Much of our revenue comes from advertising, and as businesses struggle to stay open or have closed indefinitely, they have been unable to advertise. With this drop in revenue, we need your support more than ever. Help us keep the Light up and running by donating today at or mail your donation to the St. Louis Jewish Light, Attn: Michelle Arbuckle, 6 Millstone Campus Dr., Suite 3010, St. Louis, 63146.
We thank you for your support — and for reading the Light. Wishing all of our readers a Happy Passover.