7-11 To the Rescue

By Cathleen Kronemer, NSCA-CPT

As many of you may know by now, I am a “clean-living, clean-eating” advocate. In general, I find it easier to adhere to my bodybuilding meal plan all year long, rather than attempting to justify indulgences that may derail my goals. However, when the St. Louis summer heat threatens to drive the mercury to the top of my outdoor thermometer, even I sometimes reach a breaking point and give in to an occasional guilty pleasure.

Since today is July 11th, or 7-11, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about my favorite hot-weather treat, the good old 7-11 Slurpee. Nothing quenches a parched throat quite like that fruity frozen concoction, and I have deemed it well worth the accompanying brain freeze. I always choose the sugar-free flavors offered at most local 7-11 stores.  However, if artificial sweeteners are not high on your list, let’s have a look at the nutritional value of this chilly delight.

If your thirst-quenching beverage of choice has traditionally been an ice-cold soda, here is some refreshing good news: according to nutritionist Christine Eagle, a 16-ounce Pepsi packs a whopping 200 calories, while a 16-ounce cola-flavored Slurpee weighs in at just 110 calories. Similarly, a 16-ounce serving of Mountain Dew delivers its caffeine jolt accompanied by 220 calories.  By choosing the same size Mountain Dew Slurpee, you can save yourself 100 calories.

Ideally, rehydrating with water is always going to be the best, calorie-free option.  If you feel the need for some flavorful fun this summer, you may want to try making your own Slurpee-style drink. Pour 100 percent fruit juice in a shallow pan, freeze for 30 minutes, and rake through the solution with a fork. Repeat this process until the juice achieves the desired consistency. Then, pour into a cup and enjoy…until that brain freeze catches up with you…and it always does.