Rabbi Gershon “Jonathan” Zeffren
Published January 15, 2012
Rabbi Gershon “Jonathan” Zeffren, died January 12, 2012. Beloved husband of Donna Zeffren; dear father of Sara Yospe (Shloimie) Scheinert, Binyamin Laibel, Moshe David, Rina Rachel, Sheri, Sruly, Chaim, Mordechai, Shlomo, Chana Gittel and Adina Zeffren; grandfather of Ezie and Mati Scheinert; dear son of Joel Lester Zeffren, M.D. and the late Matilda Zeffren; dear brother of Jacob “Yak” (Corrine) Zeffren, M.D. of Teaneck, NJ, Barry “Dov” (Tziona) Zeffren, M.D. and David (Mira) Zeffren of Los Angeles, Ca.; dear brother-in-law of Amy (Dovid) Schwartz; dear uncle, great-uncle and cousin. Funeral services were held Friday, January 13 at Sha’arei Chesed (U. City Shul). Interment at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery, 9125 Ladue Road. Contributions to Torah Prep or Bais Yaakov High School. Berger Memorial