In memory of…
Published September 19, 2005
will be held June 25, Sunday, 11 a.m., at B’nai Amoona Cemetery. Rosenbloom Monument Co.
The monument dedication of AUDREY J. BIRENBAUM will be held July 23, Sunday, 10 a.m., at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. Rosenbloom Monument Co.
The monument dedication of BEATRICE BAUMAN will be held July 16, Sunday, 1:30 p.m. at United Hebrew Cemetery.
The monument dedication of EDYTHE FERMAN will be held July 9, Sunday, 11 a.m. at Chevra Kadisha Cemetery.
The monument dedication of SYLVAN SINGER will be held July 9, Sunday, 10 a.m., at Chesed Shel Emeth on White Road.
The monument dedication of GEORGE H. COHEN will be held July 30, Sunday, 10 a.m., at Chevra Kadish Cemetery.
The monument dedication of MYRON H. POLLACK will be held Aug. 27, Sunday, 11 a.m., at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery.
The monumet dedication of STEDMOND SINGER (TED) will be held July 23, Sunday, 10 a.m., at Chesed Shel Emeth of White Road.