In Memory Of…
Published August 2, 2007
, died May 12, 2007, in Jefferson City, Mo. Son of the late Abraham and the late Mary Rose Herman Cohen; brother of Charles G. (Myrna) Cohen, Lester M. Cohen and the late Helen Cohen Ulevitch; uncle of Joan (Dr. Thomas) Halperin, Cyndy (Eric) Goldberg, Dr. Raymond (Donna) Cohen, Ruth (Dr. Brian) Kominsky, Edward A. (Carol) Cohen and Stanley H. Cohen.
HELEN KRASNER DEUTCH , died July 13, 2007. Wife of Barney Deutch; mother of Rita (Perry) Singer and Karen (Robert) Barbour; sister-in-law of Edward (Diane) Deutch; grandmother of Matt (Alicia) Singer, Stacy Singer, Kelly Barbour and Lisa Barbour. Contributions to the American Cancer Society.
LOUIS JACOBS , died July 21, 2007. Widower of Deborah Jacobs; father of Sheila Hackman Mills and the late Barry Hackman; father-in-law of James Mills and Angela Hackman; grandfather of Jeremy (Lauren) Moss, Lindsay (Christopher) Blase, Nicola Moss, Jenna Hackman and Darren Hackman; great-grandfather of Harry, Jack, Max and Zak; brother of Sylvia and Frances. Rindskopf-Roth
BERNICE LERMAN , died July 20, 2007. Widow of Samuel J. Lerman; mother of Lois (Stanley) Alper, Dale (Oscar) Reid and Paul (Diane) Lerman; grandmother of Wendi (Norman) Pressman, Penni Alper, Melani (David) Esko, Whitney (Dr. Michael) Liptay, John (Ellen) Reid, Wesley (Wesley) Ball, Melissa (Daniel) Klein and Jenifer Lerman. Rindskopf-Roth
KEVIN T. MUCHNICK , died July 8, 2007. Husband of Jennifer Muchnick; son of David and Nancy Muchnick; brother of Kim (Steve) Pustinger and Jeff (Abby), Jeremy (Amy) Muchnick; son-in-law of Jerry and Arlene Spector; uncle of Koty and Caleb Muchnick; brother-in-law of Matt Spector and Stacia Spector. Contributions to the American Heart Association. Rindskopf-Roth
ADELE NAHM , died July 21, 2007. Widow of Richard Nahm; mother of Bruce (Beverly) Nahm and Nancy Lewon; grandmother of Joshua Nahm, Chuck (Andrea Bradbury) Ludwig and Eric (Amy) Ludwig; sister of Ruth “Tootsie” (the late Robert) Esrock, Judy Glaser, the late Harold Glaser and the late Jean Golub (Bill). Contributions to Alzheimer’s Association. Rindskopf-Roth
SELMA PERLIN , died July 11, 2007. Widow of Sam Perlin; mother of Gerald “Jerry” Perlin and Jeanette Perlin (Steve) Jolly; grandmother of Michael and David Jolly. Rindskopf-Roth
MARION RICH , died July 22, 2007. Mother of Barbara (Stanley) Goodkin and Robert (Rachel) Rich; grandmother of Ross and Lauren Goodkin and Kyle Rich; sister of Delores (the late Morris) Sherman and Maxine (the late Sol) Levinson. Rindskopf-Roth
MARVIN H. SAKS , died July 22, 2007. Husband of Dolores Saks; father of Gary (Daryl) Saks and Ron (Sharalyn) Saks; brother of Marilyn Donin; grandfather of Jocelyn (Steve Tindall) Saks, April (D.J.) Radder, Emily (Mark) Balestra, Aaron Saks, Katie Saks, Alyssa (Justin) Pfeiffer and Adam Saks; great-grandfather of Olivia Tindall, Jacob Tindall and Amanda Pfeiffer. Contributions to Congregation B’nai Amoona, 324 S. Mason Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63141. Berger Memorial
SYLVIA (SOLOMON) SOLAR , died July 22, 2007. Widow of Henry Solar, sister of the late Fred and Robert Solomon; mother-in-law of the late Joel Sklaroff; mother of Bari (Solar) Sklarloff; grandmother of Jill (Milton) Lawrence, Jeffrey (Maureen) Sklaroff; great-grandmother of Michael, Justin, Caitlin, Monet, Levi; sister of Florence (Cookie Hootstein). Contributions to Barnes-Jewish Hospital/South Campus, 1 Barnes Jewish Hospital Plaza, St. Louis, Mo., 63110.
MARTIN STOLAR , died July 23, 2007. Son of Hindeh and Hershel Stolar; Husband of Jeanne; father of Charles Jacob Stolar, M.D., Marian Viola (Arno Patin) Stolar-Patin; father-in-law of Carol Ann Hutchens Stolar, RN; grandfather of Jacob Martin H. Stolar, and Jesse Clayton Stolar. Contributions to the Miriam School Foundation, 501 Bacon Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., 63119-1512 or the Jewish Family and Children’s Service Tribute Fund, 10950 Schuetz Rd., St. Louis, MO 63146. Berger Memorial
HARRY UMANSKY , died June 25, 2007, in New York. Husband of Claire G. Umansky; father of Jay (Peggy) Umansky, the late Sandra (Rabbi Herbert) Cohen, Michael (Sherry) Umansky; grandfather of Michele (Craig) Linder, Alana (Andrew) Sabin and Jonathan Umansky; great-grandfather of Yael Sabin and Jacob Linder. Contributions to GOALS Project, American Jewish Congress-St. Louis Chapter.
ALLAN EUGENE ZELLINGER , died July 25, 2007. Husband of Miriam “Mimi” Zellinger; father of Larry (Celia) Saltzman, Terry Saltzman, Jerry (Ann) Saltzman, Mark (Rebecca) Zellinger, Steven (Christine) Zellinger; brother of Doreen Rosler and Evelyn (Arthur) Wolf; brother-in-law of Steve (Joyce) Lipkind. Berger Memorial