In Memory Of…
Published September 27, 2007
, died Sept. 22, 2007. Son of the late Gerald and late Revetta Aul; brother of Nancy (Howard) Tash and Steven (Rebecca) Aul; uncle of Jeffrey Tash, Brian Tash (fiancee Cristina Sciales), Stephanie Tash and Jason and Andrew Aul. Contributions to Gateway M.S. Society, 1867 Lackland Hill Parkway, St. Louis, MO 63146. Berger Memorial
Jack Callen , died Sept. 13, 2007. Husband of Esther Callen; father of Louis (Debby) Callen, Dr. Annette “Chana” (Yona) Feldman and Rhonda (Sam) Platt; brother of Max (Ruth) Cohen and Harold (Diana) Cohen; grandfather of Kimberly Callen, Keith Callen, Avi (Rutie) Feldman, Moshe Feldman, Chaim Feldman, Malka Feldman and Rachael Platt; great-grandfather of Raphael Feldman. Berger Memorial
Maurice Copilevitz , died Sept. 20, 2007. Husband of Rose Buxner Copilevitz; father of Bruce (Kay) Copilevitz and Errol (Cissy) Copilevitz; grandfather of Todd Copilevitz, Teri (Henry) Hipp, Clay Copilevitz and Cori (Sam) Passer; great-grandfather of Chloe and Claire Copilevitz, Isabelle and Sidney Hipp and Harper Passer; brother of the late Abraham, Albert, Sol, Edward and Jacob Copilevitz, Lottie Nodiff and Ledora Kauffman; brother-in-law of Harry Kauffman. Contributions to St. John’s Mercy Hospice, 1000 Des Peres Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63141. Rindskopf-Roth
Aaron Lipschitz , died Sept. 14, 2007. Widower of Roselee Claire Lipschitz; father of Stephen Shucart, Nancy Shucart Dumovitz and Simone (Robert) Schnidman; grandfather of Rob and Tara Shucart, Evelyn, Josephine and Reiko Shucart, Alex and Jennifer Dumovitz; great-grandfather of Abigail Rose Dumovitz; brother of Dr. Ervin Lipschitz; brother-in-law of Jerry (Jane) Wieselman; uncle of Dr. Eve Lipschitz. Contributions to Congregation Shaare Emeth. Rindskopf-Roth
Bernerd A. Schermer , died Sept. 19, 2007. Husband of Terry Schermer; father of Jan (Randy) Guffey and Joy Cole; grandfather of Erin Powell, Sierra (Joe) McCord, Natalie (Mike) Eberhard, Felicia Powell and Billie (Leo) Shepard, Adeena, Matthew and Eleanor Cole. Contributions to the Alzheimer’s Association. Berger Memorial
Daniel P. Schuster, M.D. , died Sept. 11, 2007. Husband of Debra K. Schuster; father of Jamie Aaron Schuster and Evan David Schuster; son of Alice and the late Boris Schuster; brother of David (Susan) Schuster and the late Brian (Cheri) Schuster; son-in-law of Shirley (the late Paul) Gerring, the late Morton Paul Klein, M.D. and Lois “Cookie” Klein; brother-in-law of Judie (Frank) Klein-Stapleton and Adam Klein. Contributions to American Heart Association or American Lung Association. Berger Memorial
Carl Schwartz , died Sept. 21, 2007. Widower of Anita Schwartz; father of Maralee Schwartz and Elise (Ira) Shapira; grandfather of Rachel and William Shapira. Contributions to the Rabbi’s Fund at Congregation Shaare Emeth. Rindskopf-Roth
Idell Shapiro , died Sept. 18, 2007. Widow of Abraham “Al” Shapiro; mother of Alice (Shawn) Jacobs and Michael (Kathy) Shapiro; grandmother of Derek (Cheryl), Trisha and Chad Jacobs; great-grandmother of Foster, Kendell and Marissa Jacobs. Rindskopf-Roth
Keith David Silverberg , died Sept. 14, 2007. Fiance of Jeanene Rivera; father of Ashley Silverberg, Evan and Preston; son of Fred and Adrienne Silverberg; brother of Lisa Masson, Terry Silverberg and Stephen (Shirley) Silverberg. Rindskopf-Roth
Justin Stoler , died Sept. 1, 2007. Son of John Stoler and Pam Page; nephew of Lou Stoler and Jane and Naftali Kadosh; cousin of Jordan Oren and Matan Kadosh and Elizabeth Zachary and Andrew Stoler. Contributions to Ladue High School Baseball Program, c/o Athletic Director, 1201 N. Warson, 63124.