Two Tel Aviv demonstrations protest austerity measures

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Social justice activists held two parallel demonstrations in Tel Aviv to protest new government austerity measures.


One demonstration, which also called for universal military conscription, held at the Tel Aviv Museum was organized by several established social protest organizations and attracted about 2,000 participants, the Israeli business daily Globes reported.

The second demonstration was not sponsored by any specific organizations and its about 2,000 participants marched through the city, ultimately joining the Tel Aviv Museum demonstration.

There were scuffles between supporters of the two demonstrations as members of the second demonstration attempted to mount the stage of the Tel Aviv Museum demonstration.

“We serve in the army, we pay taxes, we volunteer. We’re in all the places the state forgot about, and, mostly, we’re willing to sacrifice everything,” said Itzik Shmueli, chairman of the National Student Union.  He added that the Netanyahu government has  ” breached the agreement you made with the people. An agreement that says that if we work hard, you will let us live in dignity.”

Eight protesters were arrested for blocking roads and violence toward police officers.

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