Suspects arrested in attack on French Jewish teens

(JTA) — Two suspects have been arrested in connection with an attack on three Jewish teens in Lyon in southeastern France.

The two suspects reportedly turned themselves in to police on Wednesday, the French news agency AFP reported. 

The “main perpetrator” of the attack has not yet been apprehended, local police chief Albert Doutre said, according to AFP.

The attack, which occurred June 2, took place in Villeurbanne, located near Lyon.

The attackers, who reportedly numbered about 10, used a hammer and an iron bar, injuring two of the Jewish victims in the head, who were sent to the hospital. The attackers have been described as “of North-African origin,” according to reports.

In March, a rabbi and his two young sons and the daughter of the head of a Jewish school in Toulouse were killed by a Muslim gunman who stormed the school and shot them at point-blank range. Some French Jewish officials have drawn a link between the two attacks. 

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