Shmurah matzahs, hand-crafted by the prime minister

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On Tuesday, with the peace process apparently in peril and discussions floating about freeing Jonathan Pollard, freeing hundreds of Palestinian prisoners and freezing settlements, one might think Benjamin Netanyahu was locked in back-to-back meetings with diplomats and members of his Cabinet.

Actually, he was baking matzah.

In a visit to the shmurah matzah bakery in Kfar Chabad, the prime minister poured water into some dough, flattened it, rolled it, flattened it again with a special utensil and peered into the oven to watch  it bake.

“Every year, for decades, I have been getting shmurah matzahs from Chabad,” Netanyahu said. “But this is the first time that I actually got to make it myself.”

According to, the Kfar Chabad matzah bakery produces many tons of hand-crafted round shmurah matzahs for communities all over the world.

The question is, when John Kerry returns to Israel, will he get a chance to roll dough too?

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Julie Wiener Julie Wiener is a features writer for JTA. Previously, she was the associate editor of The New York Jewish Week, where she wrote about education, food and assorted other topics along with intermarriage.