Let the ‘Princesses’ boycott begin
Published June 12, 2013
We knew it wouldn’t be long before Jews everywhere rose up in opposition to Bravo’s new reality show, “Princesses: Long Island.”
As we’ve documented in our extensive recaps of episode one and two, “Princesses” is awash in negative stereotypes. If you’d never met a Jewish woman, you might walk away thinking all of us live at home until we’re married, carry designer handbags so big they dwarf our mini-dresses, and walk around spouting made-up Jewisms in a sing-song drawl.
Which is why Lindsey Orlofsky’s call on today’s Huffington Post to boycott the show did not come as a huge surprise.
“The modern Jewish woman values her own career, far more than she values money. She understands her own self-worth, and does not need a husband to confirm her value,” Orlofosky, a spunky 22-year-old who blogs at Lindseyoutloud.com (aka LOL), clarified for anyone in danger of falling for the JAP propoganda. “She is not a princess in search of a prince. She is a human being who has to work hard, pay her own bills, and determine her own path in life. She does not let her parents — or her husband — do it for her.”
It’s not just tribe members who are offended by Chanel and the gang, though. It turns out the first seeds of organized anti-“Princesses” protest did not come from the Jewish community, but from the community of Freeport, which cast member Ashlee labeled a “ghetto” on the premiere.
This enraged Freeport residents–especially Kimberly Llompart, who founded the “Boycott Princesses of Long Island” Facebook page. The “Basic Info” portion of the page includes zingers like “Awards: Worst Reality Show to ever be produced!” and “Starring: No one important,” and the photo album is full of shots of Freeport women hard at work. Literally, hard at work—like on construction sites. At the time this blog post was “reported,” the page had a total of 4,362 likes.
Unlike Orlofsky, we’re not going to tell you whether or not to click that thumbs up icon. Yes, the world would probably be a better place without this shallow, bottom-feeding, sad excuse for entertainment. On the other hand, we hope at least some viewers out there are savvy enough to understand that, like other reality shows, “Princesses” is just another case of a few attention-starved, producer-manipulated (terrible) actors willing to do anything (including slander their heritage) for a fleeting moment of celebrity.
Besides, if the show goes away we can’t write about it anymore. And writing about it is pretty fun.
SPONSORED TRIBUTES: Click here to read appreciations of U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg.