Le Pen qualifies support of ban on wearing kipahs in public

(JTA) — French right-wing politician Marine Le Pen clarified her support of a ban on wearing kipahs is public.


Le Pen, leader of the National Front, told French television on Saturday that “Jewish skullcaps are obviously not a problem in our country,” but France has to “ban them in the name of equality,” Haaretz reported. A day earlier she was quoted in an interview with the French daily Le Monde that she supports a ban on wearing kipahs in public in addition to a ban on Muslim headscarves.

“What would people say if I’d only asked to ban Muslim clothing? They’d burn me as a Muslim hater,” Le Pen reportedly said, according to Haaretz. She added that she was “asking our Jewish compatriots to make this small effort, this little sacrifice probably” for the sake of equality.

“I’m sure a big part of them are ready to make that little sacrifice,” she said.

Le Pen’s anti-immigrant, anti-Islamist party, which was founded in the 1970s by her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, long has supported a ban on Muslim headscarves, niqabs and burkas.

The National Front has established itself as France’s third-largest political party. In 2002, it advanced to the second round in the presidential elections, clinching 17 percent of the vote.

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