Jewish groups praise Russia’s removal from Jackson-Vanik
Published November 16, 2012
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Jewish groups praised the U.S. House of Representatives for graduating Russia and Moldova out of Jackson-Vanik provisions that restricted trade.
A joint statement from NCSJ and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations “applauded” Congress 365-43 vote approving the removal of the two countries from the trade restrictions.
“In the 1970s, NCSJ and the Conference of Presidents helped to draft and fought for passage of Jackson-Vanik, an amendment to the Trade Act of 1974 that penalizes countries that restrict emigration,” the release said. “The amendment’s adoption in 1974 was a critical tool in pressuring the Soviet Union to allow Jews to escape Communist oppression by emigrating, primarily to Israel and the United States. NCSJ, the Conference of Presidents and other major Jewish organizations support graduation because Russia has a 20-year record of allowing unrestricted emigration abroad.”
The U.S. business community had lobbied for Russia’s removal from Jackson Vanik, in part because it inhibited trade with one of the world’s biggest economies, but also because Russia’s recent ascension to the World Trade Organization would allow it to sue companies that denied it trade.
Provisions in the new legislation allow the United States to isolate and seize the funds of individual Russians suspected of human rights abuses.
NCSJ, now known as “Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia” was in the 1970s known as the National Council on Soviet Jewry.
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