Hilarious new ‘Girls’ short features the characters 40 years from now


Ever wonder what the characters in “Girls” would be like 40 years from now? Well Gail Lerner recently wrote and directed a very entertaining take on what she envisions for the girls when they turn gray, and in her eyes they haven’t changed much.

Hannah is still being taken advantage of by men, but ‘now’ she’s a washed up cougar who still has no power in relationships. Marnie is found stuck waiting in the cobwebs of her apartment wondering where Charlie is and remains annoyingly confident. Jessa is still as kickass as ever and makes having cancer look like fun. Shoshanna is pissed because her boyfriend wants to eat dinner at 5:30 PM instead of 6:30 PM. Problems.

All Girls lovers MUST watch this short. Gail Lerner should turn this into a series.

SPONSORED TRIBUTES: Click here to read appreciations of U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg. 

Jillian Scheinfeld Jillian Scheinfeld is a JTA intern.