Elsewhere: Touro at 250, conservatives and Messianics, inventing Thanksgivukkah
Published November 29, 2013
Photographing Palestinian refugees: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s photo collection of Palestinian refugees is being restored and taken on a world tour. (N.Y. Times)
Touro at 250: In Newport, R.I., America’s oldest synagogue celebrates a big birthday. (Forward)
Setting red lines for Iran negotiations: The interim Iran deal buys time, and the U.S. should now make clear what it won’t accept in a final agreement, writes Dennis Ross. (Politico)
Conservatives and Messianics: Prominent American political conservatives have forged ties with Messianic Jews, writes an Israeli anti-missionary group. (Jewish Israel)
Manufacturing Thanksgivukkah: The hybrid holiday was really the invention of a marketing-savvy Massachusetts woman. (Time)