Elsewhere on the Web: 21st-century Kafka, bad boycott arguments, World War I and the Jews

Should a lesbian wear a dress in shul?: An advice column addresses a gender conundrum. (N.Y. Times)

Rise of the ex-frum memoir:  Memoirs of leaving Orthodoxy seem to be an emerging literary genre, despite backlash. (Tablet)

World War I and the Jews: 100 years on, recollecting the devastating effects of World War I on Jewish communities (Forward)

21st-century Kafka: Nearly a century after his death, Franz Kafka continues to interest “everyone from academics to Hasidic slam poets.” (Jewish Review of Books)

Bad anti-boycott arguments: Too many critics of academic boycotts of Israel are making arguments that play into the hands of boycotters, writes Judea Pearl. (Times of Israel)


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