5 Israelis lightly wounded in attacks, 22 Palestinian hurt in clashes

(JTA) — Five Israelis, including an 8-month old baby and a pregnant woman, were lightly wounded in attacks that security forces believe were perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists.

At least 22 Palestinians were moderately injured by Israeli forces during clashes Thursday, the Ma’an news agency reported.

The baby, his 60-year-old grandmother and another person were injured on Thursday night when stones hit their car in the city of Ramla, where both Jews and Arabs live.

The pregnant woman, 26, was injured in a similar attack outside the West Bank settlement of Carmei Tzur, Army Radio reported.

And in the southern city of Eilat, another woman, 43, sustained minor stab wounds during an incident which police said was a terrorist stabbing attack by a foreign worker, who was not named. He was detained and is being questioned.

Separately, attacks against Israelis ended without injury in Ofra, where Israel Defense Forces said they were the target of a drive-by shooting, and in Jerusalem and the Bethlehem area, where Border Police troops on patrol reported the detonation of three handmade explosive devices against them within one hour.

Outside Hebron, an IDF guard post was hit by firebombs, causing no injury.

On Thursday, Israeli security forces killed two Palestinians in Hebron in separate incidents. In both cases, the Palestinians killed tried to stab Israelis, the Israel police said.


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