What were your New Year’s resolutions for 2018? What about 2019?

Compiled by Ohr Chadash Staff

“I think mine was to get more sleep and exercise more. I don’t think I was as successful as I wanted to be, but I tried hard! I definitely plan to be sucessful this year.”

— Lauren Goldberg, junior at MICDS amd member of  Congregation Temple Israel

“My New Year’s resolution for 2018 was to be more organized, and I wasn’t very successful outside of school. However, my binder was looking much better than the last year, even though I forgot about the resolution once it came to about the middle of February. I do think New Year’s resolutions are good things because they give you a goal, which helps me when I want to do something. My resolution this year is to work out more like many others, and since I have a goal, I feel more motivated.”

— Alon Barzilay, freshman at Ladue Horton Watkins High School


“Last year’s New Year’s resolution was to make my bed every morning. I didn’t achieve my goal but I hope that this year I accomplish it.”

— Nadav Snir, freshman at Parkway Central and a member of Congregation Bnai Amoona

“My New Year’s resolution is to be more grateful! l’m really fortunate to have a lot of the opportunities I get so I want to be more appreciative.”

— Jill Goldwasser, junior at Ladue and a member of Congregation Temple Israel