St. Louis Teens Experience Israel for the First Time

Ali Gold junior, Ladue High School

Some St. Louis-area teens have been lucky enough to travel to Israel for the first time recently. Each had a unique experience and a favorite memory from their time there.


Jeremy Schuver, Clayton High School- “I’d say going to the kotel [was my best memory of Israel], because I felt such a sense of holiness being near one of the only things left from the holy temple. Jews from all different races and backgrounds all humming prayers and sticking notes in the walls. It’s really an amazing thing.”


Rachel Krug, Ladue High School- “My first time in Israel was this past summer. My favorite memory from Israel was my day with the bedouins/Masada. This day, my trip was driving from Jerusalem to the Negev. Once we arrived, we got off the bus and rode camels and donkeys. Then we headed to the Bedouin tents. It was so cool to learn about their culture and drink their amazing tea. Then we had an amazing feast followed by roasting marshmallows.”


Samantha Fox, Parkway Central High School- “One of my favorite memories of my first trip to Israel was going to see the wall for the first time. When we grew up in Sunday school, they would always talk about it as such a holy place. I never thought I would actually be going to put my note in the wall. Once I saw the wall, it gave me the chills.”


Samantha Blinder, Clayton High School- “I went to Israel this past summer and my favorite memory was the Bedouin tents and riding the camels. The food was amazing, the people were so nice, the camel rides were fun, and we got great pictures.”


Elena Bernstein, Parkway Central High School- “My favorite memory in Israel was the Dead Sea. It was such a cool experience to be [there] and surrounded by my family.”



Zoe Schuver, Parkway North High School- “My favorite thing about my first time to Israel was the scenery. Everywhere we went was beautiful. When I was in Jerusalem, a boy was becoming a bar mitzvah. It was so cool to see how he celebrated that, and to be around so many different types of people in this holy place. When I first got there, it was surreal because it was so beautiful there, I didn’t know what to expect.”


Jacob Granick, Ladue High School- “[My favorite memory in Israel] was Shabbat in Jerusalem, everything stopped, and the city was quiet. It was just so different than here in St. Louis, an entire city unified in observing Shabbat.”


Jessie Mayer, Parkway Central High School- “My favorite memory from Israel was when we were on a hike and at the top you could see Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia connect. It was so beautiful.”

Naomi Frankel, Ladue High School- “We were staying at this beautiful hotel called the Harmony Hotel in Jerusalem and it was pretty late. I was in my pajamas when my dad [suggested we go] to the Western Wall. We walked to the Western Wall and I was still wearing my pink plaid pajama pants. It was beautifully lit up and really nice.”