Six Points Sci-Tech Academy opens in Mass. this summer

By Stephen Yoffie Junior, Parkway Central High School

The sun on your face and the wind in your hair; this is what most people think of when they hear the words “summer camp.” For some people, however, E=mc2 and y=mx+b come to mind.

This year, a new science-based, Jewish summer camp is opening for kids entering grades four through 11. Six Points Sci-Tech Academy, sponsored by the Union of Reform Judaism, is the second branch of its summer camp experience, while the Sports Academy is the first.

“There are no other camps like this,” said Greg Kellner, the director of Sci-Tech Academy. “Science-based sleep-away camps are rare, but the fact that it’s Jewish makes it a one and only.”

This rare combination of a Jewish summer camp and science has great appeal to a group of kids who might not attend a typical summer camp. The URJ emphasizes that the goal of the Six Point camps is to immerse young people in Judaism, no matter whether they prefer sports or science. 


“Sci-Tech has the same goal of influencing Judaism as the sports camp, but it comes in a different vessel,” Kellner said. 

A new trend in camping seems to be a move away from the “typical” summer activities towards a specific theme, such as science or math or music.

“Many camps are transitioning towards specialties,” said Jenny Wolkowitz, advisor for Tips on Trips and Camps, “and it is important that Jewish camps change along with them.”

Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro of United Hebrew Congregation attended Camp Ben Frankel as a child. As a result of her experience there, she emphasizes the importance of going to Jewish summer camps.

“It is priceless for children to get a Jewish experience surrounded by their peers,” Shapiro said.

Jewish camps reach out to all branches of Judaism. This mixture of backgrounds allows the campers to connect in ways other than just their passions.

“Jewish specialty camps appeal mainly to the child’s focus, but also contain aspects of Judaism that parents want in their child’s life,” Wolkowitz said.

One of the amazing aspects of Judaism is its versatility; it can be molded to fit any aspect of any person’s life. 

“[Six Points] brings Judaism directly to the kids’ passions,” Shapiro said.

Although this is not the typical summer camp, there are many similar aspects that everyone can relate to, like color war.

The kids who attend Sci-Tech Academy learn how to apply their Judaism to their daily lives. They get to see Judaism and science working alongside one another.

“Each of the daily programs will encompass Judaism, such as morning services and ruach sessions,” Kellner said, “so that the kids can develop their love for Judaism as well as science and technology.”