Ohr Chadash Editor-in-Chief heads off to college


Serving as Co-Editor-in-Chief of Ohr Chadash this year and as a staff writer for the three years prior has been an honor and a privilege. My experiences writing stories about the exceptional teenagers in our Jewish community who are effectuating positive change in the world has been inspiring. 

Writing for Ohr Chadash has run the gamut — from my comedic stories about Jewish geography and James Franco’s rowdy bar mitzvah to more contemplative pieces about battling racism in our schools and the power of diversity and inclusiveness. 

Are you seeking an activity that will challenge you to achieve your personal best? This unique Ohr Chadash cadre of journalists is certain to put a smile on your face and ignite a passion in you to discover the true joy and meaning of being a Jewish teen in St. Louis. As I head to Vanderbilt University this fall as an Ingram Scholar, I look forward to new and exciting opportunities to implement the leadership, organizational, and journalistic skills Ohr Chadash has instilled in me. 

Thank you to quintessential Ohr Chadash advisers Caroline Goldenberg and Lauren Sagel for their unwavering support and guidance, as well as Light Editor Ellen Futterman and Managing Editor Mike Sherwin who have provided invaluable expertise, knowledge and encouragement to me and the exceptionally talented Ohr Chadash staff. 

Good luck to next year’s wonderful team! I know Ohr Chadash will continue to thrive under your direction. Your creative energy, sharp minds, and pursuit of excellence will take this publication to new heights.