City Showdown: How does the Jewish community of St. Louis stack up against others?

By Stephen Yoffie & Abby Miller, Parkway Central High School & Ladue Horton Watkins High School

School is back in session! With quarterly grades arriving in the mail, it’s time that our own city gets a grade.  In a face-off against our country’s biggest cities, we graded St. Louis by the size of its Jewish community, as well as the availability of kosher restaurants, community centers, festivals, and Jewish museums. Based on the categories, we then assigned a final letter grade to answer the question: for teen Jews, how does St. Louis stack up against other cities in the country?




Quick Stats: 4.1 percent

Kosher restaurants: About 10

Community centers: 1 JCC location

Festivals: Film Festival

Cultural institutions: Dallas Holocaust Museum, Museum of Biblical Art

Final grade: Dallas lacks in a few areas, especially its number of JCC locations and festivals. However, Dallas does have two museums, one for art, and one for Holocaust remembrance. Final grade: C



New York

Quick Stats: About 7.5 percent of the population is Jewish

Kosher restaurants: More than 550

Community centers: Several, including locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx

Festivals: New York Jewish Film Festival

Cultural institutions: Museum of Jewish Heritage (Holocaust), The Jewish Museum (devoted to art)

Final grade: New York is home to a very large Jewish population a huge variety of  kosher restaurants and great museums. Final grade: A+


St. Louis

Quick Stats: About 2.1 percent of the population is Jewish

Kosher restaurants: Less than 5

Community centers: 2 JCC locations

Festivals: Film Festival, Book Festival

Cultural institutions: Holocaust Museum

Final grade: For the smallest Jewish percentage on the board, St. Louis still has places to go and things to do in the Jewish community. However, St. Louis lacks many museums or kosher restaurants, earning us a…B-



Quick Stats: About 10.8 percent of the population is Jewish

Kosher restaurants: Less than 25

Community centers: 8 JCC locations

Festivals: Greater Chicago Folk Arts Festival, Great Jewish Family Festival

Cultural institutions: Chicago Jewish Museum (Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies), Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center in nearby Skokie

Final grade: With the most JCC buildings, Chicago picks up a few points. However, the spare number of kosher restaurants is a negative. Final grade: B


Los Angeles

Quick Stats: About 6.2 percent of the population is Jewish

Kosher restaurants: About 100

Community centers: 2 JCC locations

Festivals: Los Angeles Film Festival including jTeenLA FilmFest, for teen filmmakers, and the Israel Festival

Cultural institutions: Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, Zimmerman Children’s Museum

Final grade: Los Angeles offers Kosher restaurants, providing lots of opportunities for Jews to eat out, plus a unique Children’s Museum that incorporates Jewish themes. Final grade: A-