Are you more Princess Leia, or Leah the Matriarch?

By Sophie Baron, Sophomore, Parkway Central

Editor’s note: This month’s teen page stories are intended solely as parody in the spirit of a Purim spiel and should not be taken as fact.

The question has been stirring for years now, probably since the first “Star Wars” book was released in 1976. But now, the time has come. You are about to discover if you are a Princess Leia on the planet of Alderaan or if you are biblical Leah who gives birth to seven kids with your husband who is actually your long lost cousin.

What is your favorite pastime? 

A) Telling jokes


B) Playing with kids

C) Playing video games 

D) Laser tagging 

What is your favorite breakfast food?

A) Toast and cheese

B) Fresh vegetable omelet

C) Cereal with dried fruit 

D) Cinnamon rolls 

What is your go-to hairstyle?

A) Long and pulled back in a scarf

B) In one braid 

C) Pig tails 

D) Two buns

What’s your favorite genre of book?

A) Historical 

B) Realistic fiction 

C) Fantasy 

D) Science Fiction 

Pick one word your friends would use to describe you

A) Beautiful 

B) Jealous

C) Helpful

D) Caring

What is your job or a job you would be good at?

A) Lawyer

B) Teacher

C) Social services


What motivates you?


 B)  Love

 C)  Kindness

 D) Justice 

What is your favorite social media platform?

  A) Facebook 

  B) Tumblr 

  C) Instagram 

  D) Twitter

Pick a college major

  A) Religious studies

  B) World history

  C) Women’s studies

  D) Astronomy

What would you do if you had all the money in the world?

  A) Buy everything you have ever wanted

  B) Quit your job and never work again

  C) Donate it 

  D) Share the wealth evenly

Now look back on your answers. 

If you circled mostly As: You are 100 percent Leah

Just like Leah, you are a little bit self-centered but make up for it by being persistent and doing what you can to make light of a negative situation. This may come with a little jealousy at times, but you always find a way around it and do the best you can to achieve your goals. 

Mostly Bs: You are 75 percent Leah and 25 percent Princess Leia 

You are mostly Leah with a spark of Princess Leia. You can get a tad bit jealous when things do not always go your way, but your caring heart causes you to make the best of bad situations.

Mostly Cs: You are 75 Princess Leia and 25 percent Leah 

You are a princess and do not let anyone tell you differently. You get what you want and nobody bats an eye. This is probably because your jealousy motivates you to fight for what you want. Although you may be sad at first, your compassion and kindness lets you see the good in most people. Except for the dark side of course. 

Mostly Ds: 100 percent Princess Leia 

You may be a Princess but girl you are a warrior! You have a great head on your shoulders and know how to fight. Your style is unique but you rock it. You are in relationships often because of your caring personality, but you are also extremely independent and capable of doing whatever you want.