10 Reasons it Rocks to be Jewish

Ali Gold junior, Ladue High School

1) The friends- You develop bonds with other friends from  preschool, then stay connected through Hebrew school, youth group, confirmation class, or summer camp.

2) The connections- Somehow, you are connected to every other jewish person in a 10 mile radius. The rabbi at the temple down the street? He’s your grandma’s best friend’s daughter’s boyfriend’s second cousin.

3) The food- You have access to the ultimate supply of kugel, bagels and cream cheese, matzo ball soup, challah, latkes and hamentaschen (and the list goes on and on).

4) The value system- You have grown up learning the most important jewish values- honesty, justice, kindness, and tikkun olam. These values have become so deeply ingrained that they are an intrinsic part of who you are.


5) The holidays- Jewish holidays are full of food, family, friends, and fun. Be it Hanukkah or Rosh Hashanah, every holiday is full of happiness and meaning.

6) The learning- Judaism is all about learning- learning about yourself, learning about others, learning about Torah, learning about how to make a difference. You get the point.

7) The culture- The Hora, shabbat dinners, and dreidels are all unique and fun. These little aspects of Jewish culture make it even more distinct and fun.

8) The international, intercultural bonds- “Oh, you’re Jewish? Me too!” Anywhere you go, when you meet another Jewish person, you automatically have an infinite list of possible discussion topics.

9) The family dynamics- Jewish faith, rituals and holidays are all conducive to emphasizing the importance of family. Home and family are some of the most essential ideas in Judaism.

10) The lifelong community- Judaism is all about community. You know that wherever you go and that whenever you leave, there will always be a community for you back home.