St. Louis teen one of the Forward 50

By Ellen Futterman, Editor

Congratulations to Gabe Fleisher for being named as one of 2019’s Forward 50. This year’s list marks the 25th annual compilation of the Jewish news website’s (and former newspaper) 50 American Jewish individuals “who influenced, intrigued and inspired us.”

According to the Forward, more than 200 people responded to the website’s call for nominations. Among the winners were a congressman and a comedian, two rabbis, a farmer, a superhero and five authors of 2019 books.

There were an even number of women and men, and the median age was 42. Fleisher was one of two 18 year olds, who were the youngest honorees chosen. The other person his age named this year was Jamie Margolin, a Seattle-based climate activist who wants to be president.

Fleisher, a senior at John Burroughs School, is the son of Rabbi Randy and Amy Fleisher; Randy Fleisher is a rabbi at Central Reform Congregation. 

The Forward described Gabe Fleisher as “the boy who scooped Bill de Blasio.” It recounted how in May, after a school exam, Fleisher saw a Facebook post from a county Democratic Party page in Iowa that said Sioux City was the first stop on de Blasio’s “presidential announcement tour.” The only thing was that de Blasio hadn’t yet announced that he was running so Fleisher tweeted it. 

For those of you who may not know, Fleisher writes an email newsletter, “Wake Up to Politics,” which has 50,000 subscribers, including a contributing editor at The Atlantic, an anchor at MSNBC and the founder of Politico. As the Forward notes, “he had pushed through a police canine unit to get to Jeff Sessions. He’s interviewed Nancy Pelosi. He’s covered primary debates. 

“But in the summer, like any nice Jewish boy, he takes a break from politics and goes to camp.”

Way to go Gabe!