RIP Rosalee

Ellen Futterman, Editor

If you happened to catch the documentary “Reinventing Rosalee” at last year’s St. Louis Jewish Film Festival, you surely remember the film’s feisty protagonist, Rosalee Glass, a Holocaust survivor. In her 80s, she began an acting career; in her 90s, she won a senior beauty pageant and at 100, she rode Alaskan sled dogs. Unfortunately, Rosalee Glass died on Dec. 14 following injuries she sustained on a trip to Washington, D.C., where President Donald Trump honored her at a White House Hanukkah party.

According to her daughter Lillian Glass, a body language expert in Los Angeles who directed “Reinventing Rosalee,” her mother was being transported in LA by a wheelchair attendant to their plane when she was accidentally dropped — not once, but twice. Her arm was badly bruised, but an X-ray later showed she didn’t break anything, so mother and daughter spent the night at a hotel near the LA airport and flew to Dulles for the White House party the next day.

“She had a very good time with the president and the other guests but I could tell she wasn’t as peppy as she usually is,” said Lillian. “Looking back, I think she was in a lot of pain.”

Lillian Glass said as soon as the two arrived home in LA, she took her mother to UCLA Hospital for an ultra sound. All seemed OK until a day later when she awoke from a nap in agonizing pain, was rushed to the hospital and died soon after from a blood clot to the heart. Lillian said her mother would have turned 103 this past Tuesday, Jan. 28.


“She was in good shape mentally and physically before she flew,” said Lillian, whose mother lived with her. “I’m devastated by this. It’s hard to lose someone you see 24 hours a day. We were more than mother and daughter; we were soul mates.”