Young Israel welcomes scholar-in-residence

Young Israel of St. Louis will welcome Yael Ziegler as  scholar-in-residence on Jan. 26 and 27, part of the congregation’s Sinai Scholars program. The schedule of events includes: 

Friday, Jan. 26

“Yitro and Moshe: The Story of an Extraordinary Partnership”

• 5 p.m. Mincha/ Kabbalat Shabbat

• 8:30 p.m. oneg hosted by Tammy and Mark Friedman (contact YI for address)

Saturday, Jan. 27

• 9 a.m. Schacharit

• 11 a.m. Shiur after davening, “Pharaohs and Kings: The Glory of Ancient Egypt and Israel’s National Aspirations”

• noon Kiddush

• 4:30 p.m. Mincha (no Seudah Shlishit in shul)

• 5 p.m. Shiur, “Eliyahu the Prosecutor and Eliyahu the Advocate: Biblical and Rabbinic Portraits of Eliyahu”

• 8 p.m. Melaveh Malkah at Young Israel, “Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy”

Young Israel is located at 8101 Delmar Blvd. in University City.  For more information, call 314-727-1880, email [email protected] or visit