You still have time to catch “Works On Paper” at the Philip Slein Gallery

Jordan Palmer

The current exhibit at the Philip Slein Gallery “Works Of Paper” has been getting rave reviews on social media lately, with many calling it the best works on paper show to come to St. Louis in the last 20 years.

The exhibit is open through October 30th, so you still have time to see these contemporary works that expand past the definition of “drawings,” spanning into collage, photography, watercolor, and just simple painting on paper.  All of these styles are included in this show, described as a “non-thematic gathering of some of the best and brightest artists working today.”

Gallery owner Phillip Slein has been sharing posts on Facebook, featuring some of the works. In this post, we get a look at Tweed II, a 2005 lithograph on cream paper by artist James T. Nutt, an American artist who was a founding member of the Chicago surrealist art movement known as the Chicago Imagists, or the Hairy Who.

Another artist featured in the exhibition is former St. Louisan Eva Lundsager. Lundsager’s abstract paintings evoke expansiveness and a sense of watchful waiting.  Her work on display is seen here:



“Works on Paper” will be on view through October 30.+

Philip Slein Gallery
4735 McPherson Avenue
St. Louis MO 63108 Telephone: 314-361-2617