‘Why St. Louis’ to explore how business can attract, retain talent

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Jewish Federation of St. Louis’ Professional Society is planning a virtual program Oct. 13 examining how businesses can attract and retain talent to St. Louis.

“Why St. Louis” will include opening remarks by St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones and be moderated by Peter Boumgarden, Koch Professor of Practice for Family Enterprise, Washington University in St. Louis. The panelists will be Jason Hall, CEO of Greater St. Louis Inc.; Chrystiane Junqueira, Human Resources Vice President for Bunge; and Betsy Cohen, Executive Director of the St. Louis Mosaic Project of the World Trade Center-STL and author of “Welcome to the USA – You’re Hired! A Guide for Foreign-Born People Seeking Jobs.”

The program will be presented by the Professional Society’s Business and Real Estate Division at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 13.

Among the topics the panel will discuss are:

• What are companies doing about the challenges to recruit and retain talent?
• What do we need to have a strong and vibrant St. Louis region?
• What does it take to attract businesses and talent to St. Louis?

A Q&A will follow the discussion.

For more information about the program, contact Ellen Soule, Professional Society and Corporate Partnerships Officer at 314-442-3732 or [email protected].