Weekend of events celebrates UH senior rabbi installation

A full weekend celebration is planned as United Hebrew installs Rabbi Brigitte S. Rosenberg as the fifth senior rabbi in the large Reform congregation’s 174-year history at a special Shabbat service at 7 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 11, followed by an Oneg Shabbat dessert reception.

Longtime U.H. members Beth and Buddy Feldman are co-chairs of the installation weekend.

The congregation also welcomes Rabbi Kenneth E. Ehrlich who will participate in the Shabbat service.  Rabbi Ehrlich, a native St. Louisan and former Associate Rabbi at United Hebrew (1979-1983), served as Dean of the Cincinnati campus of Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion from 1985 through August of this year. 

At 6:15 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, the congregation will hold a celebratory dinner in Rabbi Rosenberg’s honor.  Members of the U.H. high school youth group will lead the Havdalah service preceding dinner.


Jewish rock musician, Dan Nichols, will perform at a free concert at noon Sunday, Nov. 13.  Nichols, popular with those who have attended Jewish conventions and summer camps, last performed in St. Louis Oct. 20 on his “Road to Eden” Sukkot tour.

Rabbi Rosenberg was named senior rabbi by the United Hebrew Board of Trustees in November, 2010 and assumed her new responsibilities on July 1, when Howard G. Kaplansky became Rabbi Emeritus after serving as senior rabbi since 1990.

In addition to her work at U.H., Rosenberg is the president of the St. Louis Rabbinical Association for 2011-2012 and serves on the boards of the Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE), Nishmah–The St. Louis Jewish Women’s Project and the St. Louis Hillel Foundation. 

She is married to H. Lee Rosenberg, Director of Youth Engagement at U.H.  They have three children, Zoë, Joseph and Sadie.

The community is invited to attend all services and events scheduled during the weekend.  Advance reservations are required for the Saturday evening dinner at the cost of $40 per person.  All other events are free.

For more information, contact Bob Gummers, Executive Director, at 314-469-0700 or [email protected].