Ways to help Joplin
Published May 25, 2011
In a letter to the community, Jewish Federation of St. Louis Executive Vice President offered a summary of ways St. Louisans can help those affected by the devastating tornado in Joplin, Mo. The text of the letter follows:
From: Barry Rosenberg
Re: Joplin Tornado Update
While information is still being gathered, this is what we know and how you can help. The Joplin Jewish Community is small, approximately 50 individuals. Their one synagogue, United Hebrew Congregation, is served by a student Rabbi, Ariel Boxman from Hebrew Union College. The Synagogue was not damaged, and Rabbi Boxman is traveling to the community to help.
At least four Jewish families have lost everything in the Tornado and are currently in shelters. There is one Jewish man, currently not accounted for. There are very few Jewish children in the community.
Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg, of United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis, has been in contact with the community. Based on urgent requests, United Hebrew is organizing to collect and ship to Joplin: adult clothing, toiletries, bedding, towels and non-perishable food. In addition, the Congregation plans to open for Shabbat services this Friday evening and they are requesting supplies for an Oneg Shabbat. Those items not needed by the Jewish community members will be shared with others in need. Supplies can be delivered to United Hebrew Congregation, 13788 Conway Rd. The shipment will depart approximately 10:00 AM on Thursday. For information contact Rabbi Rosenberg at brosenberg@unitedhebrew.org or 314-469-0700.
In addition, JCRC is coordinating collection of additional items to be donated to United Hebrew Congregation and the Carthage YMCA just outside of Joplin. Donations needed include: blankets, new underwear, T-Shirts, water, baby supplies, toiletry items, and Visa and Mastercard gift cards. Donations can be brought to any of the following locations until Tuesday May 31:
• Central Reform Congregation, 5020 Waterman
• Congregation BSKI, 1107 Linden Avenue
• Congregation Shaare Emeth, 11645 Ladue Road
• JCRC office, 12 Millstone Campus Drive (as of Thursday, May 26). Contact Marilyn Wechsler at 314-442-3894 or gwechsler@jcrcstl.org.
Rabbi Yehuda Weg, of Chabad of Tulsa, is currently in Joplin, aiding recovery and rescue efforts. People seeking information about family members may reach out to him at 918-492-4499. For more information visit http://www.chabad.org/1528814.
The number one long term need is for financial contributions. Jewish Federation has opened a mailbox and contributions can be made online at www.JewishInStLouis.org/JOPLIN. Funds collected by Federation will be prioritized to assist the Jewish community. Obviously, many other organizations are accepting contributions. Many organizations are rallying to help address the devastation of this community. Please exercise discretion in evaluating requests for help… to make sure that the request reflects real needs and the organization has the capacity to deliver the services it plans to offer. We know the St. Louis Jewish Community stands united with the people of Joplin. Thank you.