WashU Hillel to host community lunches during Passover

Hillel at Washington University (WashU Hillel) invites the community to join St. Louis area students for kosher for Passover lunches throughout the holiday. Lunches will take place Saturday, April 23 through Friday, April 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at WashU Hillel, 6300 Forsyth Blvd. Lunches are free for St. Louis area students; $12 per community member. Dietary laws observed.  To view the daily menu or make a reservation, visit washuhillel.org/Passover. Reservations are encouraged and close at noon two days before each lunch.

WashU Hillel will also host free kosher for Passover dinners for area college students from Sunday, April 24 through Thursday, April 28. The student dinners will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. at WashU Hillel and reservation information is also available on the Hillel website.  These meals are in addition to the seder experiences that WashU Hillel is fostering for more than 500 students this year.

The free student meals are made possible through the help of:  Dinners – Dr. William Danforth, Michael Dern, Terry & Harvey Hieken and Sheila & Al Rosenfeld.  Lunches – Central Reform Congregation, B’nai Amoona, Temple Israel, Jewish Federation of St. Louis, Kol Rinah, Kohn’s Kosher Deli, and United Hebrew with support from Shaare Emeth and Traditional Congregation and many parent and alumni sponsors around the country.

For more information, contact WashU Hillel Executive Director Jackie Levey, at jackie@washuhillel.org.